💻 Rhino 5
🔼 Rhino Script
🛠️ Visual Basic
This Rhino Script allows the user to select a series of objects to undulate or spiral about an axis, applying optional scalar values.
Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Script copyrighted by <Neoarchaic Design>
'Script version Sunday, October 09, 2008 11:21:36 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Call arrayRotateAboutCurve()
End Sub
Function arrayRotateAboutCurve()
arrayRotateAboutCurve = Null
Dim i,j, objects,angle, originPln, steps, scale, curve, pt(2), dom, crvFrame, rotFrame, rotWav, disWav
objects = Rhino.GetObjects("Select Objects")
If isNull(objects) Then Exit Function
pt(0) = Rhino.GetPoint("Select Origin Point")
If isNull(pt(0)) Then Exit Function
pt(2) = Rhino.GetPoint("Select Point for X Axis")
If isNull(pt(2)) Then Exit Function
pt(1) = Rhino.GetPoint("Select Point for Y Axis")
If isNull(pt(1)) Then Exit Function
originPln = Rhino.PlaneFitFromPoints(pt)
curve = Rhino.GetObject("Select Curve", 4)
If isNull(curve) Then Exit Function
Dim arrItems, arrValues, arrResults
arrItems = array("Steps", "End Rotation", "Rotational Waves", "End Scale", "Scalar Waves")
arrValues = array(10, 90, 1, 0.25, 1)
arrResults = Rhino.PropertyListBox(arrItems, arrValues,, "Spiral Settings")
steps = CDbl(arrResults(0))
angle = CDbl(arrResults(1))
rotWav = 1 / (CDbl(arrResults(2)) * 2)
disWav = 1 / (CDbl(arrResults(4)) * 2)
If CDbl(arrResults(3)) > 1 Then
scale = CDbl(arrResults(3)) - 1
scale = 1 - CDbl(arrResults(3))
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
Call rhino.SelectObject(curve)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
dom = Rhino.CurveDomain(curve)(1)
Dim tmpObj, tmpPnt, dblScale
For i = 0 To steps Step 1
crvFrame = Rhino.CurvePerpFrame(curve, (dom / steps) * i)
rotFrame = Rhino.RotatePlane(crvFrame, angle * Cos(i / (steps * rotWav) * pi), crvFrame(3))
For j = 0 To uBound(objects) Step 1
If CDbl(arrResults(3)) < 1 Then
dblScale = 1 - (scale - scale * Cos(i / (steps * disWav) * pi)) * 0.5
CDbl(arrResults(3)) > 1 Then
dblScale = 1 + (scale - scale * Cos(i / (steps * disWav) * pi)) * 0.5
Else dblScale = 1
End If
tmpObj = Rhino.OrientObject(objects(j), pt, array(rotFrame(0), Rhino.PointAdd(rotFrame(0), rotFrame(1)), Rhino.PointAdd(rotFrame(0), rotFrame(3))), 1)
Call Rhino.ScaleObject(tmpObj, rotFrame(0), array(dblScale, dblScale, dblScale))
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Function