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Writer's pictureDavid Mans


💻 Rhino 5

🔼 Rhino Script

🛠️ Visual Basic


Developed to simulate the little bit of randomness which exists when you hand-make things and place them in the real world this tool simply shakes things up a little bit. Simply this rhinoscript uses a random function to produced minor variations in Position (move), Orientation (rotation), and Dimension (scale) within a range specified by the user.

Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Script copyrighted by <NeoArchaic Studio>
'Script version Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:41:24 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
    Dim arrInputs, arrTemp, intCount, arrSorting(), arrGroups
    arrTemp = Rhino.GetObjects("Select Objects to Tile",, True)
    If isNull(arrTemp) Then Exit Sub
    arrGroups = SelectedGroups(arrTemp)
    intCount = uBound(arrGroups)
    ReDim arrSorting(intCount)
    arrInputs = Rhino.PropertyListBox(array("Rotation Min", "Rotation Max", "Move", "Scale% Min", "Scale% Max"), array(0, 360, 0, 100, 100), "Jitter")
    If isnull(arrinputs) Then Exit Sub
    Dim i, cnPt
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
    For i = 0 To intCount Step 1
        arrSorting(i) = Rhino.ObjectsByGroup(arrGroups(i))
        cnPt = boundingBoxCenterPoint(arrSorting(i))
        Call Rhino.ScaleObjects(arrSorting(i), cnPt, array(random(arrInputs(3) * 0.01, arrInputs(4) * 0.01), random(arrInputs(3) * 0.01, arrInputs(4) * 0.01), random(arrInputs(3) * 0.01, arrInputs(4) * 0.01)), False)
        Call Rhino.RotateObjects(arrSorting(i), cnPt, random(arrInputs(0), arrInputs(1)), Rhino.WorldXYPlane()(1), False)
        Call Rhino.RotateObjects(arrSorting(i), cnPt, random(arrInputs(0), arrInputs(1)), Rhino.WorldXYPlane()(2), False)
        Call Rhino.RotateObjects(arrSorting(i), cnPt, random(arrInputs(0), arrInputs(1)), Rhino.WorldXYPlane()(3), False)
        Call Rhino.MoveObjects(arrSorting(i), cnPt, array(cnPt(0) + random(-1 * arrInputs(2), arrInputs(2)), cnPt(1) + random(-1 * arrInputs(2), arrInputs(2)), cnPt(2) + random(-1 * arrInputs(2), arrInputs(2))))
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function SelectedGroups(arrObjects)
    SelectedGroups = Null 
    Dim arrGroups(), strGroup
    Dim i, nCount, bAppend
    nCount = -1
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrObjects)
        bAppend = False
        strGroup = Rhino.ObjectTopGroup(arrObjects(i))
        If Not IsNull(strGroup) Then
            If (nCount = -1) Then
                bAppend = True
            ElseIf (FindGroup(strGroup, arrGroups) = -1) Then
                bAppend = True
            End If
            If bAppend = True Then
                nCount = nCount + 1
                ReDim Preserve arrGroups(nCount)
                arrGroups(nCount) = strGroup
            End If
        End If
    If (nCount > -1) Then SelectedGroups = arrGroups
End Function
Function FindGroup(strGroup, arrGroups)
    Dim i
    FindGroup = -1
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrGroups)
        If (StrComp(strGroup, arrGroups(i), 1) = 0) Then
            FindGroup = i
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function
Function boundingBoxCenterPoint(arrInputs)
    boundingBoxCenterPoint = Null
    Dim b,arrPt
    b = Rhino.BoundingBox(arrInputs)
    arrPt = array(b(0)(0) + (b(1)(0) - b(0)(0)) * 0.5, b(0)(1) + (b(3)(1) - b(0)(1)) * 0.5, b(0)(2) + (b(4)(2) - b(0)(2)) * 0.5)
    boundingBoxCenterPoint = arrPt
End Function
Function random(min, max)
    random = Null
    Dim dblValue: dblValue = min + (max - min) * rnd()
    random = dblValue
End Function


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