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Writer's pictureDavid Mans

Image Reader

💻 Rhino 5

🔼 Rhino Script

🛠️ Visual Basic


This is the first set of a developing series of image reading scripts designed to bridge hand sketching with three-dimensional modeling. Inspired by a project by Onur Gun, the manifestation of form from relative image intensities begins to open rapid spatial development.

Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'adapted from work by Che Wei Wang
'Script copyrighted by <NeoArchaic Studio>
'Script version Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:40:18 AM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
    Dim rows, cols, tol, height,unit
    Dim arrItems, arrValues, arrResults
    arrItems = array("columns", "rows", "tolerance", "maximum_height", "unit_width")
    arrValues = array(10, 10, 0, 10, 10)
    arrResults = Rhino.PropertyListBox(arrItems, arrValues,, "Image Parameters")
    cols = CDbl(arrResults(0))
    rows = CDbl(arrResults(1))
    If CDbl(arrResults(2)) > 1 Then
        tol = 1
        tol = CDbl(arrResults(2))
    End If
    height = CDbl(arrResults(3))
    unit = CDbl(arrResults(4))
    Dim arrImg, arrExist, strInput
    arrImg = arrImageSample(cols, rows)
    ' image outputs (0)red(1)green(2)blue(3)alpha(4)hue(5)saturation(6)luminance
    strInput = Rhino.GetString("Select Image Reading Method", "Normalized_Pannel", array("Banding", "Segments", "Cylinders", "Horizontal_Plates", "Faceted", "Normalized_Pannel", "Surface", "PointCloud"))
    If isNull(strInput) Then Exit Sub
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
    If CStr(strInput) = "Banding" Then
        arrExist = banding(arrImg(6), tol, height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "Segments" Then
        arrExist = segments(arrImg(6), tol, height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "Cylinders" Then
        arrExist = cylinders(arrImg(6), tol, height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "Horizontal_Plates" Then
        arrExist = plates(arrImg(6), tol, height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "Faceted" Then
        arrExist = loftPannels(arrImg(6), tol, height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "Normalized_Pannel" Then
        arrExist = uniformPannels(arrImg(6), tol, height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "Surface" Then
        arrExist = surface(arrImg(6), height, unit)
    End If
    If CStr(strInput) = "PointCloud" Then
        arrExist = cloud(arrImg(0), arrImg(1), arrImg(2), arrImg(6), height, unit)
    End If
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function arrImageSample(cols, rows)
    arrImageSample = Null
    'Instantiate the RhPicture Object
    Dim RhPicture : Set RhPicture = Rhino.GetPlugInObject("RhPicture")
    If IsNull(RhPicture) Then Exit Function
    'Load an arbitrary image
    If Not RhPicture.LoadImage() Then
        Call Rhino.Print("Image not loaded")
        Exit Function
    End If
    'Get the width and height
    Dim w : w = RhPicture.Width()
    Dim h : h = RhPicture.Height()
    If IsNull(w) Or IsNull(h) Then
        Call Rhino.Print("No valid image data")
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim x, y, i,j
    Dim r, g, b, a, hu, s, u
    ReDim r(rows), g(rows), b(rows), a(rows), hu(rows), s(rows), u(rows)
    Dim rValSet, gValSet, bValSet, aValSet, hValSet, sValSet, uValSet
    ReDim rValSet(cols), gValSet(cols), bValSet(cols), aValSet(cols), hValSet(cols), sValSet(cols), uValSet(cols)
    'Sample Image returning all values between zero and one
    For i = 0 To cols Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            x = int(w / cols) * i
            y = int(h / rows) * j
            If x > w Then
                x = w
            End If
            If y > h Then
                y = h
            End If
            r(j) = RhPicture.Red(x, y) / 255
            g(j) = RhPicture.Green(x, y) / 255
            b(j) = RhPicture.Blue(x, y) / 255
            a(j) = RhPicture.Alpha(x, y) / 255
            hu(j) = RhPicture.Hue(x, y) / 360
            s(j) = RhPicture.Saturation(x, y)
            u(j) = RhPicture.Luminance(x, y)
        rValSet(i) = r
        gValSet(i) = g
        bValSet(i) = b
        aValSet(i) = a
        hValSet(i) = hu
        sValSet(i) = s
        uValSet(i) = u
    Set RhPicture = Nothing
    ' image outputs (0)red(1)green(2)blue(3)alpha(4)hue(5)saturation(6)luminance
    arrImageSample = array(rValSet, gValSet, bValSet, aValSet, hValSet, sValSet, uValSet)
End Function
Function plates(arrInput, min, max, spacing)
    plates = Null
    Dim i,j,r,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim mvPlane,plate()
    r = 0
    ReDim plate(r)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If arrInput(i)(j) > min Then
                mvPlane = Rhino.MovePlane(Rhino.WorldXYPlane(), array(spacing * i, spacing * j, max * arrInput(i)(j)))
                ReDim Preserve plate(r)
                plate(r) = Rhino.AddPlaneSurface(mvPlane, spacing, spacing)
                r = r + 1
            End If
    plates = plate
End Function
Function cylinders(arrInput, min, max, spacing)
    cylinders = Null
    Dim i,j,r,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim mvPlane,plate()
    r = 0
    ReDim plate(r)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If arrInput(i)(j) > min Then
                mvPlane = Rhino.MovePlane(Rhino.WorldXYPlane(), array(spacing * i, spacing * j, 0))
                ReDim Preserve plate(r)
                plate(r) = Rhino.AddCylinder(mvPlane(0), array(mvPlane(0)(0), mvPlane(0)(1), mvPlane(0)(2) + max * arrInput(i)(j)), spacing * .5)
                r = r + 1
            End If
    cylinders = plate
End Function
Function banding(arrInput, min, max, spacing)
    banding = Null
    Dim i,j,r,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim mvPlane, pSet(),band()
    ReDim band(cols)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        r = 0
        ReDim pSet(r)
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If arrInput(i)(j) > min Then
                mvPlane = Rhino.MovePlane(Rhino.WorldXYPlane(), array(spacing * i, spacing * j, max * arrInput(i)(j)))
                ReDim Preserve pSet(r)
                pSet(r) = mvPlane(0)
                r = r + 1
            End If
        band(i) = Rhino.AddInterpCurve(pSet)
    banding = band
End Function
Function surface(arrInput, max, spacing)
    surface = Null
    Dim i,j,r,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim mvPlane, pSet()
    r = 0
    ReDim pSet(r)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
            mvPlane = Rhino.MovePlane(Rhino.WorldXYPlane(), array(spacing * i, spacing * j, max * arrInput(i)(j)))
            ReDim Preserve pSet(r)
            pSet(r) = mvPlane(0)
            r = r + 1
    Call Rhino.AddSrfPtGrid(array(cols, rows), pSet, array(3, 3))
    surface = array()
End Function
Function segments(arrInput, min, max, spacing)
    segments = Null
    Dim i,j,k,r,s,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim mvPlane, pSet(),band()
    Dim trFa(),arrTrFa()
    ReDim band(cols),trFa(rows),arrTrFa(cols)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        r = 0
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If arrInput(i)(j) > min Then
                trFa(j) = True
                ReDim pSet(r)
                pSet(r) = array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j))
                r = r + 1
                trFa(j) = False
            End If
        arrTrFa(i) = trFa
    Dim ptGroup(),ptSet(),arrPts(),crvVal(),crvBln
    ReDim arrPts(cols),crvVal(cols)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        r = 0
        s = 0
        If arrTrFa(i)(0) = True And arrTrFa(i)(1) = True Then
            ReDim Preserve ptGroup(r)
            ptGroup(r) = array(i * spacing, 0 * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(0))
            r = r + 1
        End If
        For j = 1 To rows - 1 Step 1
            If arrTrFa(i)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j + 1) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j - 1) = False Then
                ReDim Preserve ptGroup(r)
                ptGroup(r) = array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j))
                r = r + 1
            End If
            If arrTrFa(i)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j - 1) = True Then
                ReDim Preserve ptGroup(r)
                ptGroup(r) = array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j))
                r = r + 1
            End If
            If arrTrFa(i)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j + 1) = False Then
                r = 0
                ReDim Preserve ptSet(s)
                ptSet(s) = ptGroup
                s = s + 1
            End If
            If s = 0 Then
                crvBln = False
                crvBln = True
            End If
        arrPts(i) = ptSet
        crvVal(i) = crvBln
    Dim cntA,bandSet()
    s = 0
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        r = 0
        If crvVal(i) = True Then
            cntA = uBound(arrPts(i))
            For j = 0 To cntA Step 1
                ReDim band(r)
                band(r) = Rhino.AddCurve(arrPts(i)(j))
                r = r + 1
            ReDim bandSet(s)
            bandSet(s) = band
            s = s + 1
        End If
    segments = bandSet
End Function
Function uniformPannels(arrInput, min, max, spacing)
    uniformPannels = Null
    Dim i,j,k,r,s,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim pSet()
    Dim trFa(),arrTrFa()
    ReDim band(cols),trFa(rows),arrTrFa(cols)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        r = 0
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If arrInput(i)(j) > min Then
                trFa(j) = True
                ReDim pSet(r)
                pSet(r) = array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j))
                r = r + 1
                trFa(j) = False
            End If
        arrTrFa(i) = trFa
    Dim tempSrf,srfPlane()
    tempSrf = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(array(-spacing * .5, -spacing * .5, 0),array(-spacing * .5, spacing * .5, 0),array(spacing * .5, spacing * .5, 0),array(spacing * .5, -spacing * .5, 0)))
    r = 0
    For i = 1 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 1 To rows - 1 Step 1
            If arrTrFa(i - 1)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j - 1) = True Then
                ReDim Preserve srfPlane(r)
                srfPlane(r) = Rhino.OrientObject(tempSrf, array(array(0, 0, 0), array(1, 0, 0), array(0, 1, 0)), array(array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j)), array((i - 1) * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i - 1)(j)), array(i * spacing, (j - 1) * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j - 1))), 1)
                r = r + 1
            End If         
    Call Rhino.DeleteObject(tempSrf)
    uniformPannels = srfPlane
End Function
Function loftPannels(arrInput, min, max, spacing)
    loftPannels = Null
    Dim i,j,k,r,s,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInput)
    rows = uBound(arrInput(0))
    Dim pSet()
    Dim trFa(),arrTrFa()
    ReDim band(cols),trFa(rows),arrTrFa(cols)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        r = 0
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If arrInput(i)(j) > min Then
                trFa(j) = True
                ReDim pSet(r)
                pSet(r) = array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j))
                r = r + 1
                trFa(j) = False
            End If
        arrTrFa(i) = trFa
    Dim srfOutput() 
    r = 0   
    For i = 1 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 1 To rows - 1 Step 1
            If arrTrFa(i - 1)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i - 1)(j - 1) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j) = True And arrTrFa(i)(j - 1) = True Then
                ReDim Preserve srfOutput(r)
                srfOutput(r) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(array((i - 1) * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i - 1)(j)), array((i - 1) * spacing, (j - 1) * spacing, max * arrInput(i - 1)(j - 1)), array(i * spacing, (j - 1) * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j - 1)), array(i * spacing, j * spacing, max * arrInput(i)(j))))
                r = r + 1
            End If         
    loftPannels = srfOutput
End Function
Function cloud(arrInputX, arrInputY, arrInputZ, arrInputR, spacing, rad)
    cloud = Null
    Dim i,j,r,cols,rows
    cols = uBound(arrInputX)
    rows = uBound(arrInputX(0))
    Dim mvPlane, arrbln, pSet()
    arrbln = Rhino.GetBoolean("Type of Data Representation", array("Representation", "points", "spheres"), array(False))
    r = 0
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
            ReDim Preserve pSet(r)
            pSet(r) = array(arrInputX(i)(j) * spacing, arrInputY(i)(j) * spacing, arrInputZ(i)(j) * spacing)
            If arrbln(0) = True Then
                Call Rhino.addsphere(pSet(r), arrInputR(i)(j) * rad)
                Call Rhino.AddPoint(pSet(r))
            End If
            r = r + 1
    cloud = pSet
End Function

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