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Writer's pictureDavid Mans


💻 Rhino 5

🔼 Rhino Script

🛠️ Visual Basic


This rhinoscript, developed for circulation diagrams, converts curves into variable styles of surfaced three-dimensional arrows. The arrows themselves can vary in scale, proportion, angle, and several other parameters.

Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Script copyrighted by <Neoarchaic Design>
'Script version Sunday, June 08, 2008 1:19:49 AM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
    Dim crv: crv = Rhino.GetObjects("Select Curves", 4)
    If isNull(crv) Then Exit Sub
    Dim i
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
    For i = 0 To uBound(crv) Step 1
        Call reparameterize(crv(i))
        Call curveArrows(crv(i), 0.5, 0.95, 90, 1)
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function curveArrows(curve, dblScale, tip, headAngle, dblType)
    curveArrows = Null
    Dim i,j, crv, crvCpy, crvDom, parameter, dis,scale, count, strProfSet
    count = 3
    ReDim frame(count), pt(count*2+1),crvProfSet(count-1), swProfSet(count-2)
    'establish dimensions 
    crvDom = Rhino.CurveDomain(curve)(1)
    parameter = array(0, crvDom * tip, crvDom * tip, crvDom)
    dis = Rhino.Distance(Rhino.EvaluateCurve(curve, crvDom * tip), Rhino.EvaluateCurve(curve, crvDom)) * dblScale
    If dblType = 1 Then
        scale = array(dis * 0.25, dis * 0.25, dis * 0.5, 0)
    ElseIf dblType = 2 Then
        scale = array(dis * 0.5, dis * 0.25, dis * 0.5, 0)
    ElseIf dblType = 3 Then
        scale = array(dis * 0.25, dis * 0.5, dis * 0.5, 0)
        scale = array(dis * 0.25, dis * 0.25, dis * 0.5, 0)
    End If
    j = 0
    For i = 0 To count Step 1
        frame(i) = Rhino.CurveFrame(curve, parameter(i))
        pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(frame(i)(0), Rhino.VectorRotate(Rhino.VectorScale(frame(i)(1), scale(i)), -headAngle, frame(0)(3)))
        j = j + 1
        If dblType = 4 Then
            pt(j) = frame(i)(0)
            pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(frame(i)(0), Rhino.VectorRotate(Rhino.VectorScale(frame(i)(1), scale(i)), headAngle, frame(0)(3)))
        End If
        j = j + 1
        If i < count Then
            crvProfSet(i) = Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pt(j - 2), frame(i)(0), pt(j - 1)))
        End If
    Dim ptB
    If dblType = 4 Then
        Call Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(frame(3)(0), pt(j - 4), frame(2)(0)))
        Call Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(frame(3)(0), pt(j - 4), frame(2)(0)))
        Call Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(frame(3)(0), pt(j - 3), frame(2)(0)))
    End If
    'create surfaces
    crvCpy = Rhino.CopyObject(curve)
    crv = Rhino.SplitCurve(crvCpy, crvDom * tip, True)
    For i = 0 To count - 2 Step 1
        swProfSet(i) = ("_SelID " &amp; crvProfSet(i) &amp; " ")
    strProfSet = Join(swProfSet)
    Call Rhino.Command("-_Sweep1 " &amp; "_SelID " &amp; crv(0) &amp; " " &amp; strProfSet &amp; " _Enter _Enter _Simplify=None Enter")
    Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(crvProfSet)
    Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(crv)
End Function
Function reparameterize(strCurveID)
    If Rhino.IsCurve(strCurveID) = True Then
        Call rhino.SelectObject(strCurveID)
        Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1")
        Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
    End If
    If Rhino.IsSurface(strCurveID) = True Then
        Call rhino.SelectObject(strCurveID)
        Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1 0 1")
        Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
    End If     
End Function


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